Talking Money

Managing Finances During Economic Slowdown

Here is how you can safeguard your finances during a depressing economic environment:

Managing Finances During Economic Slowdown

The term, economic slowdown has been cropping up frequently nowadays. For instance, in the last monetary policy announcement, the governor of the RBI said that the economy is in the midst of a cyclical slowdown. 

To begin with, what is an economic slowdown? It is nothing more than the situation in which the GDP growth slows down, but does not decline. 

Any form of economic slowdown has a direct and indirect impact on your personal finances too. Here is how you can safeguard your finances during a depressing economic environment:

Limit your expenses

The market situation is not in your control. So, it is best to prepare yourself in order to grapple with any unforeseen circumstance by cutting down on unnecessary expenses. Cutting down on non-essential expenses like dining out and spending on other activities would help in saving a lot of money.


Don’t scale down your investments

Being frightened of a volatile situation in the market is natural, but you should not scale down your investment because of it. Rather, start investing more rigorously. With massive lay-offs taking place across the sectors of the economy, you should be better equipped to deal with such turbulent times. To beat these kinds of circumstances, you should continue investing in the same manner as you were doing earlier. So don’t bother about the market volatility.

Be prepared for an emergency

There are enough precedents stating that whenever the economy goes through such kind of slowdown, employer’s starts slashing the salaries of employees.


Thus, to deal with a salary cut, you should have an emergency corpus at your disposal to run your life at the same pace without any hassle. So keep on investing wisely because in any of the extenuating circumstances, these investments done over the period of time will give you huge relief.

Learn more

Whenever a bad phase looms over you, it gives you an opportunity to develop more skills in order to sustain and survive in the industry. It has been seen that in times of layoffs, people with multiple skills successfully manage to save their jobs. So without any doubt go and learn some more skills that would be of great help for you in future as well.

Therefore, with these basic steps you can easily survive through an economic slowdown, without compromising on your current lifestyle.



