Ornate A Strong Vision Of Becoming Rich

It is quite clear that there is a significant boundary line that cleaves through the society; one side is full of people, acquiesced to mythological beliefs and one faction which unequivocally reduces these mythological beliefs and lessons to ciphers and the last faction who are impervious to all these beliefs always keep on shilly-shallying and tries its best to toe the line.

But irrespective of which faction you belong to, now a book by famous writer Devdutt Pattnaik who has written over 50 books and 1000 columns has come out with his another creation; a book titled as ‘How to become Rich’ which has hit the stands by rubbing all the boundaries and will make you feel like reading this book as the question is all about how to become rich.


As you will start leafing through the book, the first page ornated and decorated with the footsteps of Lakshmi with a text wrapped around it which says who wants Lakshmi to walk their way, pave the way for 12 precious lessons from Vedic and Puranic stories that will make you rich. 

If you have ever wondered to have a quick to-do list for becoming rich, then this book’s each chapter will gradually make you tick every box against your every possible question. And every chapter progresses towards one step ahead, which is a perfect blend of stories, graphics, and a crisp but instilling message. 


The author very beautifully weaved a body of text keeping in mind utmost accuracy and authenticity at par. Small images across the header make this book visually compelling and also depicts authors 

Pattnaik very meticulously sumps up the essence of every chapter in three-four liners lessons. Does the first chapter answer one of the most confusing and pervasive questions of our time that is wanting to become rich is normal? And Pattnaik quoting multiple mythological stories and using innumerable yardsticks substantiates and says that according to Annaporna‘s lesson wanting to become rich means wanting to enjoy and share a comfortable life and that is perfectly normal.

Subsequently, the author takes you to many levels and elucidates everything in the form of text and also in small nuggets of information breaking down complex stories in the form of strong visuals. From how do we earn money to how we lose money, from who pays your bills to how do we guard wealth. So taking you on the ride, the author stops at multiple destinations pulling out leaves and stories from mythology and ensures that embarking on the journey to becoming rich answers questions emanating from your inquisitive and baffled mind.

Even if readers find him lost under the heap of stories and anecdotes, then the author has also embedded one solution for his avid readers in the form of 12 questions and its answers that quickly makes you abreast of the essence of this book.  


Mythologist and the author have left no stone unturned in making this book as comprehensible as possible. And very creatively frame a road map to become rich at the very end of this book. Thus it would be appropriate. 



