Talking Money

The Three Financial Independence And Retire Early Female Blogs You Should Read?

Let’s have a look at what are the three financial independence and retire early female blogs your should read.

The Three Financial Independence And Retire Early Female Blogs You Should Read?

The Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE) movement is gaining a lot of traction all across the world. So, the basic agenda behind this is to save enough money, so that you can quit your job early. But every FIRE journey has a different story to narrate and different sets of strategies to talk about.  And now there is a whole online community that has developed, in which individual bloggers encapsulate their path to financial freedom.

So, let’s have a look at what are the three financial independence and retire early female blogs your should read.

1. Angela Rozmyn, Tread Rightly, Retire Early 


 Angela graduated in the year 2009 with $24,000 student debt. Just like everyone else she also resorted to the Internet to search for methods to pay off the debt as soon as possible. And during her search on the Internet she was introduced to the FIRE community and planned to become debt free.

She managed to pay off all the debt with additional part time gigs. Within three years, she paid off her debt and became debt free. The only thing that prompted her to come up with a blog was the lack of visibility of female bloggers from FIRE community. And thus she put her favourite female fire blogger on her blog titled as Tread Lightly, Retire Early. 


“I wanted to showcase the women who were already there,” Rozmyn says. “Women aren’t just couponing. Most of my friends who are women are really on top of their finances, and they’re the ones taking the lead in their household.”

Here is a link to her blog:-

2. Liz Gendreau, Chief Mom Officer

A quick read through her blog will force you to think the way we talk about women who are earning and are doing remarkable work in their professional life. Liz is 38-year-old IT professional and has three children.  What is peculiar about her is that her husband stays at home and she works outside and is on FIRE journey since 1996. Gendreau created her blog called as Chief Mom Officer with the objective of providing assistance to women who all are earning and want to be financially independent. 

“Women face a lot of different challenges (than men) when it comes to personal finance,” Gendreau says. “When it comes to female breadwinners specifically, a lot of the content out there is negative. You can easily find a lot that talks about its challenges, but not practical how-to steps or solid information.”

In order to get in touch with her reader she frequently publishes interviews with millionaire women.

Here is a link to her Blog

3. Tanja Hester, Our Next Life

Tanja Hester who retired in 2018, runs a blog titled as Our Next Life with her husband Mark Bunge. In this blog, the couple traced their journey of achieving financial independence and how their version of retirement was pretty different. The reason they attribute for attaining financial independence and early retirement is due to luck and their early investment in rental properties. She says, “Believe that FIRE is an ‘all or nothing’ game. It’s a lifestyle that comes in different models, each unique to an individual.”


Here is a link to her blog: -



