
Twitter API Access Now Free For Government And Public Agencies

Few weeks back, Twitter discontinued its free API services and made it paid, causing trouble for several organisations


Twitter’s API access is now free for some agencies and under special circumstances. As per latest updates, the Elon Musk-led platform has made its API free-to-use once again for verified government and publicly-owned services that usually use the tool for ‘critical purposes.’

Twitter has made its API free to use once again for the mentioned organisations as they also tend to use the tool for emergency notifications, transportation updates and important weather alerts. But it must be noted that for all others, this API service may still be paid. 

In an official tweet, Twitter wrote, “One of the most important use cases for the Twitter API has always been public utility. Verified gov or publicly owned services who tweet weather alerts, transport updates and emergency notifications may use the API, for these critical purposes, for free.”


For the unversed, few weeks back, Twitter discontinued its free API services and made it paid. This move also caused trouble for many public institutions that relied on it for public safety announcements. Hence, addressing the concern, Twitter has now gone back on its decision and rolled out the free API service once again, with some conditions. 

As per the Twitter’s API pricing tiers, which included a limit of 1,500 tweets per month for free API tier users and 3,000 tweets per month for basic tier users who paid $100. However, these limitations were not sufficient for several public service announcements. Hence, now the access is free once again for certain organisations. 




