
Amazon Web Services To Lay Off Hundreds In Sales, Marketing, And Technology Unit

Amazon's cloud computing arm, Amazon Web Services (AWS), has trimmed hundreds of roles in sales, marketing, and technology

Amazon Web Services To Lay Off Hundreds In Sales, Marketing, And Technology Unit

Amazon Web Services announced on Wednesday that it has removed several hundred positions in sales, marketing, and technology. This marks the most latest layoff in a string of job reductions being employed by its parent company, Amazon.

AWS has confirmed that the recent staff reductions have impacted several hundred employees across various departments. As per a report by Reuters, these cuts have impacted roles in sales, marketing, global services, and the physical stores technology segment.

"We've identified a few targeted areas of the organization we need to streamline," a company spokesperson said.

This comes at a time when the digital conglomerate has laid off hundreds of employees across various segments such as Prime Video, healthcare, and Alexa voice assistant unit. Since the inception of 2024, many major tech companies have extended massive job cuts from the past two years.


The company has laid off over 27,000 employees in 2022 and 2023 due to the tech industry's over-hiring activity during the pandemic.

Meanwhile, Amazon's status as the leading cloud provider globally is facing competition from Microsoft, which has gained an edge in profiting from generative artificial intelligence by investing early in OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT.

It's worth noting that Amazon isn't the only tech giant employing layoff activities to restructure its business. Many other major firms such as Meta, Microsoft, and Dell have also followed suit. Layoffs have also hit industries beyond tech, like Vice Media and Unilever.



