
Airbus Bags Order For Two ACH160 Helicopters In India

ACH160 provides 20 per cent greater volume per passenger compared to previous generation medium twin helicopters and 35 per cent larger windows than its competitors


Airbus on Monday said it has received an order for two advanced ACH160 helicopters in India."The helicopters will be delivered with the ACH160 exclusive configuration for business use by the customer who is an experienced helicopter operator. Under the terms of the contract, Airbus Corporate Helicopters will provide a turnkey solution to ensure smooth entry into service of both the helicopters," it said in a release.

ACH160 is the latest member of the ACH family and has 68 new Airbus patented technologies. It provides 20 per cent greater volume per passenger compared to previous generation medium twin helicopters and 35 per cent larger windows than its competitors.


According to the release, ACH160's advanced air conditioning technology allows precise temperature control and optimal cabin air quality with highly efficient air exchange. In the ACH160 exclusive version, mood-lighting contributes to reduced fatigue, it added.

"We are proud to announce this milestone contract for two ACH160 helicopters for our Indian customer. "... the entry into service of this helicopter will set a new benchmark for helicopter operations in India, especially for private aviation and premium charters," Olivier Michalon, EVP - Global Business of Airbus Helicopters, said.



