
Future Generali Launches A Unique Insurance Gifting Solution

Future Generali has launched two insurance policies which you can gift to those who need one.

Future Generali Launches An Unique Insurance Gifting Solution

In India's highly under-penetrated insurance sector, people are primarily reluctant to buy pure insurance policies like medical insurance or accident coverage unless there is an investment aspect or tax-saving clause attached to it. But after the Covid-19 outbreak, a lot of people are now willing to either up their insurance coverage or buy new insurance policies. Despite people showing a willingness to buy insurance policies, many of them still do not have the resources to purchase them. So, Future Generali Insurance Company Limited has leveraged Insurance Regulatory And Development Authority of India (IRDAI) sandbox regulations and launched a unique insurance policy gifting solution. IRDAI’s Sandbox regulation is a mechanism where new insurance products can be tested in a controlled real-life scenario.


Future Generali has launched two policies namely, those are Future Hospicash and Future Accident Suraksha with premiums starting from Rs 501. These policies will require no medical examination of the insured.

“FG Gift of Health has several unique features to ensure that the benefits of insurance can reach all segments of the society. Depending on the product chosen, the policy will cover incidental expenses during hospitalization by providing daily cash benefit and/or lump sum benefit in case of accidental injuries leading to disabilities/death. Once they realize the financial help and security that insurance offers, they are likely to consider renewal which will help us in deepening insurance penetration in the country,” said Ruchika Malhan Varma, Chief Marketing Officer, Future Generali India Insurance


Future Hospicash is a medical insurance policy that covers incidental expenses in case of hospitalization including a fixed financial benefit for each day of hospitalization, irrespective of the actual incurred medical cost.

Future Accident Suraksha is a life insurance policy that provides the insured with a lump sum amount of money in case of accidental injury leading to death or disability.

Both these insurance plans can be gifted to your domestic help, cooks, drivers, gardeners, and others who need an insurance policy but can’t buy one due to limited resources. Additionally, if one buys both insurance policies for the same insured person then you will get a 10 percent discount on the total premium. While these policies allow you to give them as a gift to individuals and their family which is their spouse and two dependent children, the age limit for dependent children is up to 25 years old.

One can give these insurance policies as a gift to your relatives and extended family members too and can be used for charitable causes. Just make sure that the NGO, old age home, orphanages, and other similar institutions are registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 or under a central government/ state government database or under any applicable law prevailing at that time.



