Threats In The Digital World

Cyber security is one of those words that is now casually bandied about in most conversations relating to the ongoing digital revolution. As businesses, individuals and even governments increasingly adopt and leverage technology, the threat stemming from cyber security is becoming more real. It has now become imperative that businesses ensure cyber security in order to maintain the sanctity of the vast amounts of data they collect in the process of applying and delivering tech powered solutions. However, this is easier said than done. Ensuring cybersecurity is becoming progressively tougher as cybercriminals stay a step ahead of the existing firewalls, exploiting new vulnerabilities and constantly executing attacks. They continue to persist even as regulatory institutions put together a framework to change and improve standards.


Prevention is better than cure

An old adage that is applicable to nearly every part of our lives. We all know that prevention is better than cure. When it comes to mitigating cyber security risks, it is better to be proactive rather than reactive. An imperative to adopting a proactive risk mitigation strategy is recognising the sources of risk that can be a threat to cyber security. 

Key cyber security challenges that need to be on your radar (discuss each in detail)

1. Ransomware

2. Attacks via compromised IoT devices

3. Cloud security issues

4. Serverless Apps vulnerability

5. Phishing


6. Hacking

7. Data Leakage 

Upping your cyber security quotient

“Cybercriminals are going to create 3.5 million new, unfilled cybersecurity jobs by 2021. Compare that with one million openings in 2016. That’s an increase of 350 per cent in just five years. And with that increase comes some serious cybersecurity revenue dedication. Everywhere, businesses are investing a remarkable amount of money into hiring security professionals, maintaining customer privacy and avoiding ransomware attacks.”

As organisations gear up to these new challenges that are the offsprings of the digital revolution, they need to think about cyber security from a holistic perspective. A blinkered approach is not going to work. Firms need to assess their vulnerabilities across divisions and operations and then put together a structured cyber security plan that addresses these issues in a definitive manner.



